The picture represents a 3D-reconstruction (using Imaris software) of confocal/multiphoton (Leica SP5) images collected through the thickness (100 micrometers) of a live lymph node from a bone-marrow transplanted mouse. Cells marked by five fluorescent proteins: Cerulean (cyan), EGFP (green), Venus (yellow), tdTomato (purple), mCherry (red) appear surrounded by collagen matrix (second harmonic generation-SHG, white) at 4 months post-transplant. See also Malide et al. (2012) Dynamic clonal analysis of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells marked by 5 fluorescent proteins using confocal and multiphoton microscopy. Blood. Dec 20;120(26):e105-16. This is one of three grouped images obtained using the same imaging strategy.
Imaging was performed using a Leica TCS SP5-AOBS 5-channel confocal/two photon system equipped with multiline Argon, diode 561 nm, HeNe 594 nm and HeNe 633 nm as well as TiSaph two photon laser. Images were recorded with a 25x 0.95 NA water dipping objective lens, and 5 micrometer z-spacing and processed using Imaris (Bitplane). See also: Malide D, Metais J-Y, and Dunbar CE. (2012). Dynamic clonal analysis of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells marked by 5 fluorescent proteins using confocal and multiphoton microscopy. Blood. Dec 20;120(26):e105-16.
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