The final stages of cell division is captured in the scanning electron micrograph. Two daughter cells are still interconnected by slender strands of membrane (white arrow at center of image). Lamellipodia extend from the periphery of each new cell as they begin to spread on the substrate, and microvilli stud the surface over the nucleus. The funnel-like cones (black arrows) are candidate sites for pinocytosis. Image contributed by Keith Porter first appeared in Porter and Bonneville, The Fine Structure of Cells and Tissues, Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1973, and reprinted with permission as Figure 49 from Chapter 2 (Specializations of the Free Surface) of 'The Cell, 2nd Ed.' by Don W. Fawcett M.D. A PDF copy of the accompanying chapter is available on the ASCB’s BioEDUCATE website.
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