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*CIL – Cell Image Library accession number. Please use this to reference an image.

CIL:9535*  Cite 

Peripheral area of normal rat kidney. The capillary wall is composed of three distinct layers: the endothelium with its fenestra, the basement membrane (BM) which is a continuous layer 0.1 to 0.15 microns in thickness and the foot processes of the renal epithelium. In a number of places (arrows), a slit membrane can be seen bridging the narrow gap between foot processes. The vascular lumen contains a red blood cell and ferritin. Image presented as a layered tiff with the first image the unlabeled image and the second image the labeled version. Bar= 1.0 microns. Demonstration of the structure of the filtration barrier of the normal kidney. Kidney was fixed by injection of 1% osmium tetroxide buffered in acetate-veronal, pH 7.5, into the renal parenchyma, the tissue was cut into small pieces and fixation was continued for 2 hours. Tissue blocks were embedded in Epon, sectioned and stained with lead hydroxide. Glomerular permeability investigated by electron microscopy. In: Siperstein MD, Colwell Sr. AR, Meyer K, eds. Small Blood Vessel Involvement in Diabetes Mellitus; Proceedings. Washington DC: American Institute of Biological Sciences; 1964:31-38.Pavenstadt H, Kriz W, Kretzler M. Cell biology of the glomerular podocyte. Physiol Rev [serial online]. 2003;83:253-307. EM Annotator: Marilyn G Farquhar (University of California, San Diego, CA). EM Annotator: Kathryn E Howell (University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO). Original resource provided by Marilyn G Farquhar. Original resource: lantern slide (3.25 x 4 inches).

Biological Sources
NCBI Organism Classification
Cell Type
endothelial cell
epithelial cell
blood cell
Cell Line
Cellular Component
basement membrane
Marilyn G Farquhar
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Archival Resource Key (ARK)
Image Type
recorded image
Image Mode
transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Parameters Imaged
electron density
Source of Contrast
differences in adsorption or binding of stain
Visualization Methods
lead salt
Processing History
unprocessed raw data
Sample Preparation
osmium tetroxide fixed tissue
tissue in epoxy resin embedment
Relation To Intact Cell
sectioned tissue
Spatial Axis Image Size Pixel Size
X 4800px 1.03nm
Y 4170px 1.03nm