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*CIL – Cell Image Library accession number. Please use this to reference an image.

CIL:12011*  Cite 

Visualization of F-actin network movement in motile keratocytes with FSM. F-actin flows slowly from the leading edge to the cell body in motile cells. Video is paired phase-contrast and AF546-phalloidin FSM time-lapse images. 30x real time (frames were collected at 2-s intervals and are displayed at 15 frames/s). Phalloidin was conjugated to AlexaFluor546 for live cell FSM imaging. Cells were imaged in culture media (Leibovitz's L-15 medium without phenol red supplemented with 14.2 mM Hepes, pH 7.4, 10% FBS, and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic). Images were acquired using an inverted microscope (Diaphot-300; Nikon) with a 60× NA 1.4 oil plan-Apo objective (Nikon) every 2 with the 60× oil objective. All time-lapse images were collected with a cooled back-thinned CCD camera (MicroMax 512BFT; Princeton Instruments) with a 2× optovar attached using MetaMorph software version 6 (Molecular Devices). Video corresponds to Fig. 1 and video 2 in JCB 178:1207-1221, 2007.

Biological Sources
NCBI Organism Classification
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
Cell Type
Cellular Component
actin cytoskeleton
Biological Context
Biological Process
actin flow
Patricia T. Yam
Cyrus A. Wilson
Lin Ji
Benedict Hebert
Erin L. Barnhar
Natalie A. Dye
Paul W. Wiseman
Gaudenz Danuser
Julie Theriot
JCB 178:1207-1221, 2007
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Archival Resource Key (ARK)
Grouping This image is part of a group.
Image Type
recorded image
Image Mode
phase contrast microscopy
speckle microscopy
Parameters Imaged
elastic scattering of photons
fluorescence emission
Source of Contrast
differences in amount of elastic light scattering
distribution of a specific protein
Visualization Methods
Alexa Fluor 546
visualization of contiguous regions
Processing History
contrast, brightness, image combine
Data Qualifiers
raw, unprocessed data
suitable for spatial measurements
Sample Preparation
living tissue
Relation To Intact Cell
dispersed cells in vitro
Spatial Axis Image Size Pixel Size
X 600px 0.109µm
Y 330px 0.109µm
Time 2 seconds